Polarized electrode with high ratio capacitance up to 143.73F/g is manufactured and ESR 113m Ω is obtained. 据此,用高比表面积的工业活性炭制备出比电容高达143.73F/g,等效串联内阻仅为113mΩ的电极材料。
In a high electric field, organic molecules are polarized and react on the surface of the electrode, turning into DLC and other products. The authors believed that the reaction follows a polarization-reaction mechanism. 最后,作者提出了液相沉积类金刚石薄膜的反应机理-极化-反应机制,在电场的作用下,有机分子被极化并在电极表面反应生成DLC薄膜和其他产物。
It consists of polarized electrode, collector, electrolyte, separator, lead and packing material, and its performances are affected by the composition and structure of each component greatly. 超级电容器主要由极化电极、集电极、电解质、隔离膜、引线和封装材料几部分组成,各部分的组成、结构均对其性能有重要的影响。
Dimethylglyoxime is used as titrant, platinum wire as anodic polarized indicator electrode and tungsten rod as cathodic polarized re-ference electrode. Polarizing current is 2 μ A. 以镍的特效试剂丁二酮肟作为滴定剂,阳极极化的铂丝作为指示电极,阴极极化的钨棒作为参比电极,极化电流为2μA。
During reading and writing cycles, a cell capacitor is polarized by giving a bias between selected top and bottom electrode bars in the latter. 读和写操作,通过在选中的上下电极金属杆上施加电压的方法来极化单位电容。